Honorable Mention in the International Gipuzkoa Trophy 2021
This photograph has been awarded in the International Gipuzkoa Trophy this year with a Honorable Mention CEF (Spanish Confederation of photography) in the section Creative/ Experimental. Other nine photographs they have turned out finalists, well in the same section, or in the categories Color and Monochrome:
This international event has the patronage of FIAP and CEF. It is organized by the Photographic Society of Gipuzkoa, counting on this XLIX edition with 226 participants from 39 countries sent and 2.339 works submitted.
This year's jury was made up by Juan Ramón Llavori, Asier Garagarza and Oier Aso.
Thank you very much to the organization of Gipuzkoa Trophy, to its president Marian Martin and the jury for this new award.
For more information or view them better:
Gipuzkoa Trophy-Results 2021