Mención Honorífica en los Chromatic Awards 2019
Esta imagen acaba de ser premiada con una Mención Honorífica en el apartado Professional Fashion and Beauty de los Chromatic Awards 2019 de Londres, un certamen internacional que premia los mejores trabajos presentados de todo el mundo, realizados exclusivamente en color:
Muchas gracias a la excelente modelo de la imagen, Ana Rodríguez, al jurado y organizadores por este nuevo premio.
International Jury:
– Cherie McNair, Director / CEO Australian Centre for Photography
– Patricia Conde Juaristi, Director Patricia Conde Galería
– Aline Smithson, Founder / Editor LENSCRATCH
– Cynthia Held, Owner Held and Associates
– Kim Aram, Founder / Editor BLINK Magazine
– Maela Ohana, Founder Archive Collective Magazine
– Luca Attilio Caizzi, Editorial & Creative Director C 41 Magazine
– Giangiacomo Cirla, Editor / Curator PHROOM Magazine
– Nate Dunwell, Curator Feature Collective
– Rohit Vohra, Editor in Chief Art Photo Feature
– Colin Czerwinski, Founder / Curator NOICE. Magazine
Texto de la galería de premios Chromatic Awards 2019:
Honorable Mention: Fashion and Beauty – Ramon Vaquero, Spain
Lighing Beauty
Simplicity, color harmony and female beauty for just visual and sensual language, instead an apparent and obvious meaning. This leads to a personal attempt to create beauty, as well as author’s fascination for a mixture of classic portraiture and fashion world aesthetics.
Author: Vigo (Spain)-based professional photographer since the nineties.
From his studio performs works of advertising image, social, industrial, portrait, beauty and report. His clients include official institutions, public and private institutions, companies, brands, design studios, advertising agencies, producers and individuals. At the same time he develops personal photography as an author.
Many of them have been award-winning, shown in exhibitions and published internationally in countries such as Spain, Austria, Holland, Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, India, U.S.A., Japan, Australia Or New Zealand among others. His images have been released on the cover of several Spanish and European magazines, books and catalogues.
He has taught courses and workshops in digital photography, processed and lighting, and has been selected as a jury member in several national and international photographic competitions.
Para más información:
Chromatic Awards 2019